Here on the farm we have a staple that never gets old, mainly because it is always changing. I try to make quiche once a week for our family using seasonal vegetables. I use seasonal vegetables not just for variety but also for flavor. This recipe is perfect for a quick breakfast during the week – just pop it in your toaster oven. It’s also great for lunch or dinner with a salad or even cold out of the refrigerator for a quick snack. I use a simple piecrust recipe, no need to worry about blind baking and baking beads. I mean, who has time for all that? This piecrust is just as delicious as the ones that take twice as long to make. The recipe yields two piecrusts, I usually stick one in the freezer for the next quiche or pie. Since it is spring we are able to buy fresh spinach from A Way of Life Farm so that is what I’m using today. However, you can substitute the vegetable portion for broccoli, bell peppers, kale, or any other vegetable that you think would complement eggs. I also used A Way of Life Farm's delicious sausage. Other variations are endless; you can add garlic, onions, crushed red pepper, herbs, and/or cayenne pepper. One vital tip is to use pasture-raised organic eggs and good whole milk. Underwood Family Farm in Cleveland County provides us with an excellent source of milk. We have a saying in our home - fear the fake not the fat. This recipe is packed with wholesome farm fresh ingredients so it's hard to feel guilty about consuming such nutrient dense food. Bon Appetit!
![]() In 2017 we stabilized two sections of stream and built a pond. Pheeww! I wish I could say that in 2018 we could prop our boots on our desk for a while and admire our work but ongoing projects seem to continuously pop-up. Last fall we constructed a pond between our farm and Jeff’s parent’s property. This pond will provide habitat for aquatic plants and animals. A gravity pipeline from the pond to a concrete watering tank will provide drinking water for our livestock even if the power goes out. Also, the pond will serve as an irrigation source for our pastures during times of drought. ![]() This winter Jeff was awarded a WNC Ag Options Grant for pasture irrigation. We will be adding a K-line Irrigation System to assist in maintaining consistent grass production on a portion of the farm from year to year. K-Line is a flexible hose line and sprinkler pod system designed by New Zealanders for cost-effective and efficient farm irrigation. It is easily moved by any farm vehicle and is a low application rate system that ensures maximum uptake of water and nutrients and minimal moisture loss via runoff. ![]() It is hard to believe how fast the land around the pond has transformed. Grasses are already establishing themselves and there are hundreds of tiny tadpoles along the edge of the water. I can even hear Spring Peepers chirping from our backyard at night! We are thinking about stocking trout in the fall and harvesting them in the spring before the water warms up too much. Probably the most exciting thought about this project is the hope that Henry will grow up exploring around the pond and fishing with us and his grandparents. |